We’re supporting SoupFest! This event is a Columbus Ohio gathering of soup, music, beer, and community giving on March 11. See the link below to purchase tickets and join the fun—we hope to see you there!
Epic Giving
At EpicBeerTrips.com we travel the globe, drink beer, and have fun! Plus, we give back to nonprofit organizations via our Epic Giving program. Proceeds from each trip sold as well as other events provide help to organizations in need.
Epic Giving: EPIC BEER TRIPS + KIDS CENTER FOR PEDIATRIC THERAPIES Epic Beer Trip Auction at Kids Center for Pediatric…
At EpicBeerTrips.com we believe giving back to the world is just as important as traveling the globe, drinking beer and having fun! That’s why we created Epic Giving—our goal is to give back to charities and nonprofit organizations to help make the world a better place.